Monday, April 26, 2010

Combat Roles #3 - Battlefield Control

This is in my opinion the most fun role to fill. Instead of worrying about doing damage or casting spells, your concern is the entirety of the battle and how it flows. The plan for this role is to disrupt the enemy while aiding your allies. This role is also fairly generic in how to fulfill it.

Spellcasters can prepare spells like Grease or any of the appropriate Wall spells to disable enemies or separate them from their comrades. They can do targeted spells like Ray of Enfeeblement or other weakening spells. Charm and Hold spells also work well. Effects that can cause Blindness or targeted disabling spells are also worthwhile.

Non-casters can accomplish much the same disabling/aiding as casters. Utilizing Trip, Disarm, and grappling (if you can stomach the rules) all can hinder your opponents. If you are focusing on a build that can't do that, you can always work the aid another action to help your friends. Feats such as Ranged Disarm and Ranged Pin even allow ranged characters to control the battlefield.

Alchemical items such as flasks of oil and smokesticks can allow non-casters to shape the battlefield. Clever use of terrain such as moving carts into the way or starting fires can work under almost any circumstances. Use the terrain around you to force the enemy to fight on your terms.

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