Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Creating a Persona #2

Usually, I'd do a post on alignments, but I felt like continuing with character creation because that is what I've been doing.

One of my players is running a game in a few weeks and wanted us to send in characters early so he could start planning things. Normally making characters is a tedious, sporadic, and partially insane process for me. I tend to create the background and mechanics at the same time.

And I was thrown for a loop. We were all told to create a character with no background. Similar to Jason Bourne; we're bad-asses with no memory of our past selves. And the game is stealth based so we need to be able to infiltrate.

I didn't want to play a rogue, as the last character I had played was a rogue-esque character that could disappear at the drop of a hat; so I wanted something different. However, not being able to create a backstory threw me for a loop. I had to try and pick a mechanic character and hope the personality evolved out of that.

And it did; so this is also a valid way to create a character personality. Let the mechanic dictate behavior. As soon as the GM approves the build; I'll post it here.

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