Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hack and Slash?

People rag on D&D because the rules are all combat based; leading to the assumption that it is really only good for hack and slash. I am not certain where this idea comes from.

Yes, very few rules in D&D are concerned with social interaction. However, that doesn't mean that the system is devoid of social interactions. They are just treated as such: social interactions. If you want to talk to an NPC; then you talk to them. Arguments can be presented. Lies can be told. Diplomats can be diplomatic. Let what is said determine a bonus or if the PCs are particularly persuasive have them automatically succeed.

The rules for D&D focus precisely on what they need to: situations that cannot be acted out. Players can't swing a sword about, let alone one that is on fire, to determine how much damage they do. They can't cast any spells (Jack Chick's beliefs aside), let alone maximize the damage or speed up the casting. They focus on making all the cool movies we watch and books we read possible.

As players and DMs we determine how the social interactions take place. I don't believe there need to be pages upon pages of rules for governing social interactions. (I'm looking at you White Wolf). The rules should allow us to do all the things we want to but can't.

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